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bulwinkle69's Recent Statuses
Mon, 3-Feb-25 9:09 PM (2 days ago)
took January off my large wall calendar, folded into a paper airplane, tossed it over my spouses head and remarked oh look January just flew by
You, my good sir, are Legendary 💯🤘😆
(2 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
January, sick and tired you been flying by me……
(2 days ago)
Mon, 27-Jan-25 2:08 AM (10 days ago)
Ever have a random stranger come up and tell you look like someone famous?
Pete_from_Aus and McPhallus like this
Lenny, we are metric and it’s still called a quarter pounder here 🤣😂
(10 days ago)
lennynatural likes this
Well my you know what is famous. Well over 101 thousand profile views and growing all the time...jerk it's these sex craved females you know...LOL
(10 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
Raven you forgot to mention your humilityLOL
(10 days ago)
Raven2005 and McPhallus like this
All the ladies get humidity from humility.
(10 days ago)
I used to Kevin Spacey a lot, but before he was busted as a perv.
(10 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Tue, 21-Jan-25 2:45 AM (16 days ago)
Deader in here then Donny and Melania bedroom
once the great one left edmunton...i didnt give a puck anymore
(16 days ago)
The so called great one sucks Donnys dick these days
(16 days ago)
and with that. I bid you all adieu. I have snacks and a book. G'night!
(16 days ago)
G'night, sweet dreams
(16 days ago)
adieu..my second guess in wordle..erotic dreams..not interuppted by an alarm
(16 days ago)
Agent_K and MrsTrellis like this
Sun, 12-Jan-25 1:07 AM (25 days ago)
in keeping with my New Years Resolution to eat healthy and exercise..I drove to taco bell for the luxe cravings meal
Sun, 5-Jan-25 3:21 AM (32 days ago)
my no beer till my birthday(mid march) resolution...lasted 4 days...
i prefer to think of it as a partial success
(32 days ago)
I like the way you think.
(32 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
its a start Bullwinkle, nit a great start admittingly but a start nevertheless LOL
(32 days ago)
bul.. why make resolutions you know your not gonna keep. But on the positive you were beer free for 4 days. Not sure id last that long. smile
(31 days ago)
So maybe aim for certain days of the week.
(31 days ago)
Sun, 5-Jan-25 1:28 AM (32 days ago)
lately it seems my updates here arent getting many comments..you know what that means...I cant get no status traction..though I try and I try 🤣
a rolling moose gathers some kate moss
(32 days ago)
oh bulwinkle sometimes ya just gotta beat it!!
(32 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
Oh I got it, PJ..hence the "like"...I just didn't feel like singing anymore.
(32 days ago)
tsk tsk, im not gonna comment this...oh...well..blush
(32 days ago)
GottaBeMe likes this
"No Status Traction" Was that a song by the Spinners?😉
(31 days ago)
tugking70 and GottaBeMe like this
Wed, 1-Jan-25 8:11 PM (35 days ago)
Happy Nude Rear pervs and pervettes
Did you just pull that out of your hat or something? Happy New year.
(35 days ago)
or something...lol
(35 days ago)
eddie_aust likes this
Happy new years bul 🥳 🎉
(35 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
Thu, 26-Dec-24 11:35 PM (41 days ago)
my female progeny, sent me home made cookies for Christmas..I just texted her and said they all went to waist
Wed, 25-Dec-24 12:57 AM (43 days ago)
<<<fat old long haired man with white whiskers...delivered a brand new car this evening..
I've had my LandCruiser for over 20 years now , not ready to trade her in just yet
(42 days ago)
The reason the Australian car industry shut down entirely was we decided to buy overseas instead. Lots of unemployed people with no other skills. I hope the same doesn't happen to America
(42 days ago)
Wait....was it Kenny Rogers?
(42 days ago)
I got the same kinda thing moosie...Merry Christmas!
(42 days ago)
Are you sure it isn't made here? And not in West Point Georgia?
(42 days ago)
Mon, 23-Dec-24 3:06 AM (45 days ago)
holiday tradition complete...6 pack of bad santa cascadian dark ale left out for santa..and drank before he could consume...
bulwinkle you did him a favour by drinking it on his behalf LOL
(45 days ago)
I always have the best intentions when I leave beer for the fat man... But alas I'm greedy haha
(45 days ago)
Sat, 21-Dec-24 4:11 AM (47 days ago)
I think, in the Nothern hemisphere, tomorrow us the shortest day if the year..I exposed myself to mrs moose as I informed of that ..and she said yea I noticed
🤣🤣🤣 Which means it's the summer stolcis here ... Mrs RC ain't falling for that old trick again
(47 days ago)
bulwinkle69 and Pete_from_Aus like this
LOL hi moosie 👋
(47 days ago)
😆 😆
(47 days ago)
Was the longest day here in Australia yesterday... dammit I missed the opportunity to use that joke
(47 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Thu, 19-Dec-24 8:07 PM (48 days ago)
I will probably regret mentioning this...December 19th and no snow visible from my house in the Mountains near bumfuck
I was talking about this last night. 20+ yrs ago, we always had white stuff on the lumpy bits in the NW. I miss it.
(48 days ago)
I’ve only ever witnessed one white Christmas
(48 days ago)
You can always watch in on TV, K. grin
(48 days ago)
Tue, 17-Dec-24 4:22 AM (51 days ago)
Favorite Christmas song...??
Oh Holy Night...have yet to have a favorite artist singing it.
(46 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Little Drummer Boy by Crosby and Bowie
(46 days ago)
Away in a manger
(46 days ago)
lennynatural likes this
merry christmas bw69 video
(46 days ago)
Carol of the Bells, Trans Siberian Orchestra
(46 days ago)
Tue, 17-Dec-24 2:44 AM (51 days ago)
hunkering down, for the horrors of the next four years, if I survive
You have to survive. What would I do without you?
(51 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
you would continue to be a light a to those cranially superior pervs...
(51 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus and McPhallus like this
Hang in there Bulwinkle, with any luck the amount of burgers and French fries he eats will send him into cardiac arrest LOL
(51 days ago)
Deepest sympathies bulwinkle, in these dark and dangerous times....
(51 days ago)
Agent_K and Pete_from_Aus like this
Wed, 4-Dec-24 12:52 AM (64 days ago)
turkey leftovers finished off in a curry
owbiglineman and smittenforyou like this
Fri, 29-Nov-24 1:27 AM (69 days ago)
Over indulgence complete...hoping things settle so there is room for pumkin pie b4 bed...else its a 2 am snack..while solving wpr
opps i hiccupped. solving wordle
(69 days ago)
Mon, 25-Nov-24 2:15 AM (73 days ago)
<<<over liquid and amazon ordering indulgence
It sure can be, McP.
(73 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
now i just read as a senior male i need krill oi
(73 days ago)
Jersey__Girl likes this
krill oil for muscle retention...😃
(73 days ago)
There's no end to the things they tell you you need.
(73 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
I did really need new bar tape though.
(73 days ago)
Jersey__Girl likes this
Wed, 20-Nov-24 10:43 PM (77 days ago)
survived the Pacific Northwest Cyclone Bomb...the answer was blowing in the wind, it just blew by to fast for me to grab it...
We had 50 mph gusts this morning but the winds died down by midday. I hope not, moosie. There are still burn scars from the last fire near my house.
(77 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
but as the new fearless leader has proclaimed..climate change is a hoax
(77 days ago)
Wowza! Never even knew this was a "thing" til this morning! Glad you're okay!
(77 days ago)
UK Met Office are predicting Storm Bert (great name) will undergo one of those cyclogenesis weather bombs before rolling in at the weekend
(76 days ago)
Jersey__Girl likes this
Good luck everyone. We're at 7" in 2 days and my garage is no longer dry. crying
(76 days ago)
Tue, 12-Nov-24 8:22 PM (85 days ago)
for those of you old enough to remember Poloroid Camera and fillm...did you take porno roids...
Yep. There's some old Polaroids in our pics from 1989 or so
(85 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
Might have a handful
(85 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
Back in the 80's, I took a few poloroids of a girlfriend, but thought it was best to return them to her when we eventually broke up.
(85 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
to young when they where popular, plus the polaroids were ffn expensive
(85 days ago)
righthander and McPhallus like this
(85 days ago)
righthander likes this
Tue, 12-Nov-24 4:19 AM (86 days ago)
Veterans Day in the USA...Ive been an honorably discharged Vet for 42 years..Dont thank me for my service...4 years peace time in the foreign country of Oklahoma
The deserts of Ft. Bliss, NTC, and 29 Palms for me. 4 years was plenty. Soooo long ago.
(86 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
Instead of thanks, how about we take better care of our vets? So many things blocked in the last 3, 4 years. At least the current government has made strides reducing homelessness of vets.
(85 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
I’ve said for years if the USA doesn’t want to take care of its veterans, maybe fucking stop making so many.
(85 days ago)
Sat, 9-Nov-24 7:01 PM (88 days ago)
he got down on one knee, took her hands, stared into her eyes and said..Dear I will give you the moon and the stars if you will give me Uranus
Sat, 9-Nov-24 4:41 AM (89 days ago)
Wonders when Donny and Elon meet, if there is a Captain and Tennille song playing in the back...
(89 days ago)
Lol. With them two, more like Elton John and Kiki Dee
(89 days ago)
Can’t stand their smugness … 🤮🤮🤮
(89 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
Fri, 8-Nov-24 1:09 AM (90 days ago)
So do you think devotees of Golden Showers prefer...Peenuts or Pisstachios?
Jersey__Girl likes this
wonder what they think about asparagus...
(90 days ago)
Artistic and McPhallus like this
I don't think.
(90 days ago)
bulwinkle69 and McPhallus like this
Potato and leek soup
(90 days ago)
Thu, 7-Nov-24 7:00 PM (90 days ago)
Who here remembers that infamous door to door salesman, thr full her bush man?
smittenforyou likes this
Can't say I have,hey bul xxx
(90 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
Fuck. Does this mean I’m old? 🤣🤣🤣 Collecting H &S Green Stamps too.
(90 days ago)
bulwinkle69 likes this
Mon, 4-Nov-24 2:55 AM (94 days ago)
my bedtime...had a piece of cherry pie washed down with a beer...sweet dreams are mase if these
Who am I to disagree
(94 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
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