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vs300a's Recent Statuses
Sat, 25-Jan-25 10:47 PM (10 hours ago)
"Frankfurt...has only one beer hall; Stuttgart... die Munchen all on call; Munich... we lift our tunic... to show we Germans have no balls at all." -- old World War II song
Thu, 16-Jan-25 2:28 AM (10 days ago)
Klytus, I'm bored. What plaything can you offer me today?
(10 days ago)
McPhallus and Pete_from_Aus like this
Go fish
(10 days ago)
Wed, 8-Jan-25 3:33 AM (18 days ago)
Trying to remember all those things I said I'd do when hell froze over -- because it has!
It has...hahaha hey vs smile
(18 days ago)
Opps sorry,forgot my question mark ...it has?
(18 days ago)
Mon, 6-Jan-25 3:02 AM (20 days ago)
Not dead yet.
Did a professional confirm that not dead status or did you use Dr Google? LOL LOL LOL
(20 days ago)
I tell my wife all the time I’m old, not dead. It’s most often in response to her eye-rolling at my hard penis. 🤣🤣🤣
(19 days ago)
Bela Lugosi is ….
(19 days ago)
paul01224 likes this
when you wake up and notice you still have a pulse
(19 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
Or something pulsing.
(19 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
Fri, 3-Jan-25 12:22 PM (22 days ago)
Angry at no one in particular. Need to get ot of this bad mood.
(22 days ago)
eddie_aust likes this
Chop some wood. Not a euphemism.
(22 days ago)
Limited Slip Differential ... how that fukn do shit for shit on the liva w00t
(22 days ago)
First things first. Lock the gun cupboard and give the key to someone you trust
(22 days ago)
owbiglineman and MrsTrellis like this
Sat, 14-Dec-24 4:00 AM (43 days ago)
Tired and frustrated, dealing with tech support people who appear to be utterly inept.
McPhallus likes this
Have you tried turning it off and turning it on again?
(43 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
RC that old trick never works. 😂
(43 days ago)
theroyalcouple likes this
Does with my wife 😝😝😜😜😜😜😝😝😝😝😜😜😝😝😝😝😝
(42 days ago)
mojo75nz and McPhallus like this
Saw that cumming from a mile away.
(42 days ago)
Thu, 12-Dec-24 3:51 AM (45 days ago)
It's time for some Shakespeare. 3 inches = Much Ado About Nothing; 6 inches = As You Like It; 9 inches = A Midsummer Night's Dream; 12 inches = The Two Gentlemen of Verona.
(45 days ago)
a midsummer nightmare
(45 days ago)
I've been in Shakespeare's house. He wasn't home
(45 days ago)
the limey basterd was not 'ome? how rude sneaky
(45 days ago)
happyhumper69 likes this
How about Dick III?
(44 days ago)
Wed, 11-Dec-24 2:52 AM (46 days ago)
I have spent too many hours in the past week trying to get G*D***y to make a broken Web site work. They are idiots; they don't even know the difference between a domain name and a hostname.
100 years from now..I appreciate your fr
(46 days ago)
frustation...however will it matter then...
(46 days ago)
Mon, 9-Dec-24 1:05 AM (48 days ago)
It's Sunday night in December, my least favorite time of the year. Ugh.
I know someone else who hates the lead up until the C word. His words, not mine.
(48 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
The holidays are to be endured. I hold my breath and pray for January every year.
(47 days ago)
It's more enjoyable if I don't rub elbows with the senseless commercialism of it all. I'll do a night bike ride in the neighborhood to see the lights.
(47 days ago)
Fri, 15-Nov-24 2:56 AM (72 days ago)
Finding it very hard to motivate myself. This time of the year is often like that for me. И снег, и ветер, и звезд ночной полет, меня мое сердце в тревожную даль зовет.
Huh? Oh, I get it!
(72 days ago)
oogle translate is ''watching'' you sneaky
(72 days ago)
(72 days ago)
Song about anxious youth - Lev Oshanin
(72 days ago)
The song is from a 1958 Russian movie called По Ту Сторону ("On the Other Side"wink.
(71 days ago)
Fri, 8-Nov-24 2:21 PM (78 days ago)
Beer isn't a fruit, but for Harvard students in the seventeenth century, it was one of "the three B's" (beef, bread, beer). That was the standard diet back then.
Cider is a fruit I suppose, so maybe beer is as well, as wellas wine....
(78 days ago)
i still live ny that diet...
(78 days ago)
MitchandDaisy likes this
Proper full bobied beer must do yer a power of good..thumbup
(78 days ago)
* bodied :bluh:
(78 days ago)
* blush
(78 days ago)
Sun, 3-Nov-24 3:22 AM (84 days ago)
Turning my clocks back. I've got a wind-up one that can't be turned back, so I have to leave the key inserted, which will stop it from advancing, and wait an hour.
McPhallus likes this
Fri, 1-Nov-24 2:20 AM (86 days ago)
Boo! Happy Halloween, all!
Wed, 30-Oct-24 5:17 PM (87 days ago)
I would never buy anything from Elon Musk. Tesla is one of those companies whose products will only work so long as they are still supported. by the manufacturer. That's not my cup of tea.
Politics aside, Tesla products are rather lackluster and remind me of De-Loreans. Solid pass.
(87 days ago)
captain__82 and Mr_Vein like this
Ozzy man reviews has some excellent videos on this subject
(87 days ago)
Mentor___01 and smittenforyou like this
Sun, 27-Oct-24 7:24 PM (90 days ago)
I found a tick on my side this afternoon. I swear it wasn't there this morning when I took my shower. I wonder if it could have gone through the wash in my clothes.
^agreed. Maybe it got on your towel or clothing that you put on after shower?
(90 days ago)
It's possible, the nasty little beggars are tough, and can trap air in hairs. A very hot wash (60C) or 5 mins in a dryer on high will kill them though
(90 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Pesky things!!
(90 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Tiny little monsters, they are rampant here. We use to have free-ranging chickens, no ticks! Then coyotes and others started killing the poor chickens. So back to having ticks.
(90 days ago)
smittenforyou and McPhallus like this
If it was a blue tick, Elon Musk sucked your blood and your bank account
(90 days ago)
Mon, 21-Oct-24 2:22 AM (97 days ago)
In 1954, you could get on a train in New York, arrive in Chicago the next day, stay on board while they switched your sleeping car to another train bound for L.A. , and arrive there two days later.
My grandparents took a different grandchild to Hawaii every summer. This was the late 70's & 80's & we always had to dress up.
(96 days ago)
GottaBeMe likes this
I travelled from East to West. By Greyhound. Also North to South... That was the way to do it when I had my adventure.
(96 days ago)
now its shrinkflation, profit margins and "so what, theres nine billion other consumers"
(96 days ago)
I don't remember 1954, either, but I have some old timetables. It's fun to see where trans used to go. As for Greyhound, "a bus" is almost "abuse.".
(94 days ago)
Jersey__Girl likes this
I still remember there were air shuttles every hour between NY-Chicago and you could run to the plane 10 minutes before takeoff. Traveling was fun then.
(94 days ago)
Mon, 14-Oct-24 2:15 AM (104 days ago)
Paying bills and recovering from a nasty respiratory bug
Death and taxes…
(103 days ago)
Fri, 4-Oct-24 2:43 AM (114 days ago)
Busy digging my way through end-of-quarter paperwork. I hope to be done with it tomorrow, if there are no more emergencies.
McPhallus likes this
Wed, 11-Sep-24 2:33 AM (137 days ago)
Ever since the pandemic, it seems like more people on NN play with themselves or toys than have actual sex -- on camera, at any rate. Is that just my imagination?
not a enthusiastic video watcher, so cant judge, but maybe less posted since ID validation?
(137 days ago)
Arti, is that the reason you no longer post pictures?
(137 days ago)
Artistic likes this
lol no tug, i got fat grin
(137 days ago)
Sun, 8-Sep-24 2:09 AM (140 days ago)
Listening to a strange signal on 7060 Khz this evening. It sounds like Russian, but I can't make any of it out... except the words "Slava Ukrainye", repeated over and over: "Glory to Ukraine!".
Apparently this frequency is used for search and rescue emergencies in South America
(139 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
I wish someone would assassinate Putin
(139 days ago)
In the United States, 7060 KHz is in an amateur radio (also called ham radio) band.
(137 days ago)
The problem with assassinating Putin is that Russia is ruled by a kleptocratic oligarchy. The billionaires find the war useful for distracting Russians from the fact that they're being screwed.
(137 days ago)
Hi vs300 xxx
(137 days ago)
Thu, 5-Sep-24 3:21 AM (143 days ago)
Up late watching an episode of an old Russian TV show. "State Border". It's December, 1917, and they're trying to leave the country, but there's a war on.
McPhallus likes this
In the next episode, the protagnoist and his family reach the border but can't cross. When he intervenes to stop a riot, the Bolsheviks offer him a job, which he takes.
(142 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Was it sub titles or dubbed, either way it sound boring
(142 days ago)
It's Russian, and sounds perfectly so. Winning side, not that it's a win.
(142 days ago)
In today's episode, Russian monarchists in Manchuria in 1929 try to overthrow the Soviet regime. They're foiled by a woman singer who's secretly working for the GPU.
(141 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Tue, 3-Sep-24 12:22 AM (145 days ago)
Angry at myself. I made a couple of work-related mistakes over the weekend that made our whole company look like idiots. Not happy.
Your profile currently says you are self-employed.
(145 days ago)
Take it easy on yourself, you are still young and it’s all part of the experience. Figure out why the mistakes were made and then you’ll know how not to do it again. Good luck going forward.
(145 days ago)
I must be clicking on the wrong profile. Says 67 years old wink.
(145 days ago)
Always tough, own it and fix / not repeat it. Repercussions?
(145 days ago)
Sucks being an adult. Good luck with it.
(144 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Fri, 30-Aug-24 11:36 AM (148 days ago)
Tree sap is big business here in New England. Maple syrup is a major product in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. And, it's delicious.
lennynatural likes this
Thu, 29-Aug-24 1:56 AM (150 days ago)
On the radio, you can't tell that I'm reading the news in the nude.
Sat, 24-Aug-24 4:10 AM (155 days ago)
Damn, is it really after midnight already? I've spent most of the evening doing work-related stuff, and I don't feel like going to sleep, even though I feel ytterly exhausted.
McPhallus likes this
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