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cmp304's Recent Statuses
Wed, 25-Dec-24 1:57 AM (32 days ago)
Merry Christmas!
Have a great day, bud.
(32 days ago)
cmp304 likes this
Sun, 6-Oct-24 1:05 AM (112 days ago)
The High Country needs jet fuel! Details and link in blog.
I appreciate you have done the leg work on behalf of those wanting to help but unsure where the money is best spent
(112 days ago)
cmp304 likes this
I have mixed feelings too. This group seems to be meeting a very immediate need so I threw a few bucks there way.. People are going to be cut off for quite a while.
(112 days ago)
I'm quite concerned about the need for at least 10,000 round bales of hay for the animals that was reported a couple days ago.
(112 days ago)
How the hell are they planning to get the hay up there?
(112 days ago)
Luckily the hay will not be needed for some time because the animals should have grass to eat for quite a while. However hay drops are common after severe snow storms.
(112 days ago)
juicy and McPhallus like this
Wed, 31-Jul-24 2:20 AM (179 days ago)
July 30, 1989. "He was up in Wyoming and drew a bull no man could ride."
happyhumper69 and tugking70 like this
How big was the bull he drew and how many crayons did he go through??
(179 days ago)
cmp304, Jersey__Girl and McPhallus like this
He promised her he'd turn out, but it turned out that he lied
(179 days ago)
cmp304 and Jersey__Girl like this
There was a segment on the radio today. Guess I'm getting old because it does not seem like 35 years since Lane Frost at Frontier Days.
(179 days ago)
Sun, 21-Jul-24 10:56 PM (188 days ago)
On a brighter note, today is national ice cream day. In observance of that I present "Foster Mothers of the Human Race"
Homemade strawberry ice cream.yummm hey cmp💋
(188 days ago)
cmp304 likes this
I had an ice cream bar today!
(188 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine and cmp304 like this
Hear hear!
(188 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine and cmp304 like this
Chocolate cake, creamy thinnish, homemade, very yummy with 2 scouts vanilla.
(188 days ago)
cmp304 likes this
Tue, 5-Mar-24 1:36 AM (327 days ago)
I am begging again. Details in blog.
tugking70 likes this
The Ashland Community Foundation is matching the first $20K they collect. That area got hit hard a few years ago and always steps up to give back.
(327 days ago)
tugking70 likes this
I asked about the horse tank strapped on top of the first 2 round bales, they replied helping friends out down South........
(327 days ago)
cmp304 likes this
And knowing Cletis, I bet that truck & trailer never hits a blacktop all the way south to the pan handle.......
(327 days ago)
cmp304 likes this
At least it's the near the end and not at the beginning of feeding season
(327 days ago)
tugking70 likes this
Hopefully they get the spring rains to bring the pastures back.....
(327 days ago)
Thu, 7-Dec-23 11:04 PM (1 year ago)
Tennessee was at her side. Other ladies with them that morning represented California, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Arizona. Her name was USS West Virginia. 7 December 1941, Pearl.
lennynatural, tugking70 and Recce1 like this
Sad day.
(1 year ago)
cmp304 likes this
All gave some, Some Gave All, One had bone spurs🐔
(1 year ago)
cmp304 likes this
Mon, 21-Aug-23 10:24 PM (1 year ago)
Waiting on spaghetti to boil. Seems like the thing to do on one of the hottest days of the year - boil water.
GottaBeMe, juicy and smitten4u like this
I will have ice cream after chores.
(1 year ago)
GottaBeMe likes this
Hottest day of the year...... Isn't that like only 55^ degrees for you.........
(1 year ago)
cmp304 likes this
It has been getting into the 40s at night.
(1 year ago)
I made spaghetti too....pressure cooker keeps the heat down 🤷🏻‍♀️
(1 year ago)
So hot and steamy here just hang the spaghetti outside for a while!
(1 year ago)
Tue, 4-Jul-23 12:11 PM (1 year ago)
Happy Spacious Skies and Amber Waves Day!
Bak at ya. Awesome picture!
(1 year ago)
cmp304 and ZippyMilf like this
Thanks Smit!
(1 year ago)
smitten4u likes this
Sun, 2-Jul-23 1:01 AM (1 year ago)
I'm late as usual, but hope everyone had a happy Canada Day.
Joyeux fete du Canada a tout le monde 😎
(1 year ago)
Jersey__Girl and ZippyMilf like this
Tue, 27-Jun-23 1:30 AM (1 year ago)
June 26, 1892. Pearl Comfort Sydenstricker Buck is born on a farm in Hillsboro, WV. She will later win the Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes for Literature
LOVEXXXPORN and NaughtyKat like this
Her family served as missionaries and she wrote extensively about peasant life in China.
(1 year ago)
NaughtyKat likes this
Interesting. I will add her to my never ending list of must reads
(1 year ago)
True dat, cmp. She's also better known as Pearl S. Buck.
(1 year ago)
NaughtyKat likes this
A great writer...sadly she suffered from a minor deformity that she was tormented about as a child...buck teeth...
(1 year ago)
Jersey__Girl likes this
(1 year ago)
Wed, 21-Jun-23 12:32 AM (1 year ago)
June 20, 1863. West Virginia Statehood. "Montani semper liberi"
juicy and smitten4u like this
I have no desire to conquer or rule the world, for I have a view of rain falling in a mountain valley and a sirloin on a plate.
(1 year ago)
I like my peasents satisfied
(1 year ago)
Beautiful state, my neighbor to the west and south
(1 year ago)
cmp304 likes this
Thanks OW. I get to live in the part of it that makes the cover of all the tourism ads!
(1 year ago)
owbiglineman likes this
New River Gorge area? Love that place… as long as I don’t speed on Rt 19!
(1 year ago)
Thu, 18-May-23 2:01 AM (1 year ago)
May 17, 1873. Victoria, Kansas. "The Angus breed is launched in the United States of America."
There you are. I knew you'd appear after finishing your ice cream stash. sneaky Hope you're keeping well. 😊😘
(1 year ago)
I just dipped myself a nice bowl of chocolate fudge swirl. Alls well here!
(1 year ago)
NaughtyKat and smitten4u like this
You tease! I had an all berries sorbet after my rather light dinner (artichoke hearts, olives, gherkins & tuna; half slice of bread & cheddar). Good to here all is well. 🐾😄🐾
(1 year ago)
Hear even! 😁 Flipping autocorrect
(1 year ago)
Home, home on the range....Where the deer and the antelope play.....Where seldom is heard a discouraging word.....And the skies are not cloudy all day...................
(1 year ago)
Pete_from_Aus and cmp304 like this
Wed, 26-Apr-23 12:34 AM (1 year ago)
Now serving country ham sandwiches and fried potatoes.
Damn! Love the yummy choices. 😋
(1 year ago)
GottaBeMe and cmp304 like this
Banana cream pie sounds awesome right now!!!
(1 year ago)
GottaBeMe likes this
*Makes off with some friend potatoes for tomorrows breakfast*
(1 year ago)
lennynatural likes this
The potatoes are quite salty from being fried in the ham drippings.
(1 year ago)
My blood pressure and I often argue about what a reasonable amount of salt is
(1 year ago)
Wed, 22-Feb-23 12:51 AM (1 year ago)
21 February 1865. US Patent No. 46454, "Improvement in Plows", was awarded to an Illinois blacksmith named John Deere.
So they must have sent him a Dear John letter to let him know.
(1 year ago)
Or as we like to call them after they closed a factory and moved to Mexico...not John Deere but Juan Deere
(1 year ago)
Wed, 1-Feb-23 11:55 PM (1 year ago)
Less than twelve hours to go before the truth is revealed and we shall learn what destiny awaits us all.
I love the drunken RR scene! Flapjacks anyone?
(1 year ago)
cmp304 likes this
That's a good one.
(1 year ago)
It will either be 6 more weeks of winter or only 6 weeks till spring!
(1 year ago)
I'm afraid it will be six more weeks until spring.
(1 year ago)
My worst fears have come true . . .
(1 year ago)
Mon, 30-Jan-23 12:14 AM (1 year ago)
29 January 1925 - Leonhard Seppala and his 20 best dogs are making a 170 mile drive from Nome to meet the antitoxin. He drops off pairs of dogs at waypoints to replace tired teams on the return.
shy28boy likes this
Sun, 29-Jan-23 12:44 AM (1 year ago)
28 January 1925 - Sam Joseph and his team of Alaskan Malamutes average 9 mph and reach the Yukon River with the antitoxin. Temperatures have warmed to -38F.
He should have read the poem by Robert W. Service published in 1907 about another Sam before he headed out in those temps.
(1 year ago)
cmp304, smitten4u and lennynatural like this
Keep the door closed.
(1 year ago)
juicy likes this
Big Sam left Seattle in the year of 92, with George Pratt his partner and his brother billy too
(1 year ago)
smitten4u and cmp304 like this
That’s darned cold. Poor doggies!
(1 year ago)
Fri, 27-Jan-23 11:22 PM (1 year ago)
27 January 1925, 9pm - Nenana, AK Territory. Diptheria antitoxin arrives by rail. Bill Shannon and his team of Huskies depart immediately into the -65F night. They cover 52 miles in the dark.
It's charming. fIsn't it? grin
(1 year ago)
lennynatural and cmp304 like this
Yeash it is!
(1 year ago)
juicy likes this
But thank you ever so much for the info smilesmile(Paul)
(1 year ago)
You never know AGR, might come up in a quiz someday 😂
(1 year ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Very true,thanks again paul 👍
(1 year ago)
Sat, 24-Dec-22 10:48 AM (2 years ago)
Merry Christmas!
I was more thinking off wearing my budgie smuggler's in the sun .... merry Christmas cmp
(2 years ago)
Merry Christmas!! grin
(2 years ago)
Beautiful picture card 💕 Cmp! That's a perfect portrait of you. Feast well and plenty my friend. 🥰😘
(2 years ago)
Thu, 8-Dec-22 12:09 AM (2 years ago)
USS West Virginia BB-48. 7 December 1941, Battleship Row, Pearl.
A date that will live in infamy
(2 years ago)
cmp304 likes this
Sorry Adele, all that is left is some Extreme Moose Tracks.
(2 years ago)
I was thinking the same thing, Moose.
(2 years ago)
The Greatest Generation. Until they spoiled my generation the baby booms
(2 years ago)
cmp304 and bluebayour6 like this
Sad day 😞
(2 years ago)
cmp304 likes this
Mon, 14-Nov-22 11:24 PM (2 years ago)
Each year on this evening, even the most devoted Mountaineer fan will set rivalry aside and shed tears of green and white . . . . . . WE . ARE . MARSHALL
I have NO idea what this means but I will "like" it anyway
(2 years ago)
Thu, 30-Jun-22 11:42 PM (2 years ago)
Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew. Yarnell Hill Fire, Arizona. June 30, 2013 - 4:42 pm MST.
Sheesh you bitch about time zones when you are in a time machine!
(2 years ago)
Hubby and I are making a trip to the grand canyon this s summer. How far are you free there?
(2 years ago)
(2 years ago)
cmp304 likes this
What he said ^ Sounds like there is more fires down there again unfortunately.
(2 years ago)
cmp304 likes this
Sat, 18-Jun-22 12:30 AM (2 years ago)
now serving lamb tacos on the back deck
Will you settle for a beef ribeye steak?
(2 years ago)
NaughtyKat likes this
Absolutely drool I'll bring my peppercorn sauce 😋
(2 years ago)
Ice cream: I went to town two days ago and spent over $1000 on ice cream and vaccine.
(2 years ago)
You're keeping that ice cream reserve locked, ain't you?
(2 years ago)
Hihi crossed comments
(2 years ago)
cmp304 likes this
Fri, 17-Jun-22 1:37 AM (2 years ago)
Spaghetti with meat sauce, made with ground lamb.
Sorry, there was not a no meat one. But I can assure you that the lamb was a vegetarian.
(2 years ago)
lennynatural and NaughtyKat like this
Your food was eating a vegetarian's food! laugh
(2 years ago)
cmp304 likes this
My food ate a lot of dried distillers grain so think about that when you fill up your tank of take a sip.
(2 years ago)
lennynatural and DanajustDana like this
(2 years ago)
😁 I'll have the ghettis alone and some ice cream afterwards. Younger we'd have plain pasta with salt, butter & cheese. I use to love that.
(2 years ago)
Thu, 16-Jun-22 1:40 AM (2 years ago)
So, Status is actually happening, I need to make a quick trip to the barn and status dies before I return?
I'm takin my exclamation points to bed. G'nite y'all! 🐄🐄🐄
(2 years ago)
tugking70 likes this
My pretty cement driveway, as my significant other put it....
(2 years ago)
GottaBeMe likes this
You can not imagine how much shit is in my driveway
(2 years ago)
tugking70 and GottaBeMe like this
Oh and 💩💩💩💩
(2 years ago)
tugking70 likes this
nite gotta
(2 years ago)
GottaBeMe likes this
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