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MrsTrellis's Recent Statuses
Wed, 31-Jul-24 5:05 PM (174 days ago)
All in all, it’s just another brick in the balls 😂😂😂
riot smarter not harder LOL
(174 days ago)
MitchandDaisy and McPhallus like this
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding!
(174 days ago)
MitchandDaisy likes this
Mook, I don’t think smartness is the strong suit of these racist pricks, to be fair.
(173 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
I'm not certain that the bricks did any damage. Or rather there wasn't anything there that wasn't already damaged. F'ing outrage industrial complex and gut thinkers.
(173 days ago)
Rather not have a Brick-In-My-Balls...eek
(173 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Fri, 5-Jul-24 5:17 PM (200 days ago)
Tits out Friday has a whole new meaning in the UK today 😀
My dog could do better that the last shower. And have you seen Kier’s ministerial appointments? Absofrickinlutely inspired.
(200 days ago)
Not impressed by Wes Streeting, he has an axe to grind with the NHS and an apparent desire to increase private health sector use by the NHS
(200 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Some tits, loads of arseholes, and probably quite a lot of c*nts...
(200 days ago)
Rick12111 and captain__82 like this
Hello missus
(200 days ago)
Oh, Rishi..rolleyes well he said he's sorry. Hey did you see that pic where he's sitting in a corner of a tv show and is second billing to Britain's most tattooed mom? tongue
(200 days ago)
Wed, 3-Jul-24 7:49 PM (202 days ago)
Tomorrow is Bindependence Day in Richmond 😀
Jersey__Girl likes this
(my bladder seems allergic to bedpans)
(202 days ago)
Google Count Binface and all will be revealed 👍
(202 days ago)
MitchandDaisy and McPhallus like this
🤣🤣🤣 just googled
(202 days ago)
Binface gonna win?🤖 Oh, Rishi.
(202 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
I had to look it up, too. LOL Hello, MrsT. Long time no see. xx
(202 days ago)
Fri, 18-Aug-23 11:21 AM (1 year ago)
Storm Betty is on the way ...... you have been warned grin
I think, we are too miss that one
(1 year ago)
I think we're getting a bit of a breeze and some wet stuff tomorrow. I'm not complaining, my kind of summer smile
(1 year ago)
Dignitea likes this
We have rain just now and a little wind
(1 year ago)
Well we should have had a thunderstorm by now but nothing happened..confused It's gone and brightened up now....smile
(1 year ago)
Sun, 21-May-23 11:05 AM (1 year ago)
This a reminder that your days are numbered, and since you don't know what your number is—you should live the hell out of this day.
You and me both, Mrs.T. Life is precious, after all...no one gets out of it alive...a joke...but an inalienable truth....Be well, be happy.: )
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
Totally and wholeheartedly agree with you about life...
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
Totally and wholeheartedly agree with you about life... Yes, they said a long time ago - CARPE DIEM!
(1 year ago)
We used to say live fast, die hard and leave a good looking corpse. I try to plan for tomorrow, but have totally learned to live today.
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
(1 year ago)
Thu, 18-May-23 6:46 AM (1 year ago)
Much quieter in here without all those hidden gems, pearls of wisdom and snide comments. Thank goodness.
Bit ironic making a snide comment about snide comments reallyLOL
(1 year ago)
TopCat57, ZippyMilf and MellieK like this
Don't forget the cut and paste/plagiarised blogs : P
(1 year ago)
Snides are the best comments. I go for at least two a day.
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis and Pete_from_Aus like this
Agree 👍
(1 year ago)
Morning TC
(1 year ago)
Fri, 12-May-23 6:56 AM (1 year ago)
Horrible to hear about Jacob Rees Mogg! Nothing has happened to him, it's just horrible to hear about him.
regurgitated coffee tastes vile!
(1 year ago)
tryin4fun likes this
That's the Moggster for you
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
Well, I’m off to google who this person is.
(1 year ago)
Hmm. Politician. Most of them can fuck off and die.
(1 year ago)
He's worth watching in his show on GBN as as he seems to be honest as to what he believes. His show and Farage's efforts are very interesting...ohmy
(1 year ago)
Sat, 11-Mar-23 2:16 PM (1 year ago)
Buckle up boyos, this could be a bumpy ride! 🥄
Artistic and TopCat57 like this
^ OOO Matron! : P
(1 year ago)
I'm sure you could slap as well today as you could 30 years ago, And I'm willing to guinea-pig that theory 😁
(1 year ago)
TopCat57 likes this
Asking Mrs. T to slap a guinea-pig! * Rings the RSPCA : P
(1 year ago)
Oooh are we spooning? wink
(1 year ago)
Well that gets us off the bottom of the table, now for a good kicking in Paris to finish of our worste showing in the 6 nations.
(1 year ago)
TopCat57 and MrsTrellis like this
Thu, 23-Feb-23 8:08 PM (1 year ago)
Sometimes we get so caught up in our daily lives that we forget to take the time out to enjoy the beauty in life. It’s like we’re zombies. Look up ...
You brought the sunshine with you smile
(1 year ago)
captain__82 and MissAshlee like this
Mellie said the same too. I checked it was 25 degrees back home today
(1 year ago)
Always lovely to see you, MrsT! heart
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
Get up early and just enjoy the promise of a new day as the sun rises
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
(1 year ago)
Wed, 15-Feb-23 8:04 AM (1 year ago)
When someone shows you who they are, believe them ..... first time.
(1 year ago)
A fucking men, MrsT. heart
(1 year ago)
I do,thats why I never respond to their statuses,I'd say them but I did stupidly respond to them once or twice before...hi MrsTrellissmile
(1 year ago)
Is it that time already.....
(1 year ago)
⬆️ ?
(1 year ago)
Mon, 23-Jan-23 1:37 PM (1 year ago)
Nudle giveaway time again! First person to correctly predict when Zahawi jumps or is pushed gets a nice, shiny nudle grin
I believe there are politicians in it for the greater good, but there's far too much money sloshing around ......
(1 year ago)
EmuLater likes this
What do I win if I say he does neither, and remains in his job over this?
(1 year ago)
Nothing, we all lose ....
(1 year ago)
I want pigs in blanket made with cumbrian sausages. This nudle thing doesn't taste as good. Please have some Dijon mustard available. 😋
(1 year ago)
ksaint likes this
You had me right up to Dijon mustard 🤢 Sweet chilli dip with mine please 😊
(1 year ago)
Sat, 21-Jan-23 3:24 PM (2 years ago)
If everyone you post a picture of has to be ID verified, what's the score with ID verified profiles with older photos of others in their gallery?
smitten4u and Artistic like this
What is the "Verify another identity" in our setting page for? Is that so both members of a couple can each upload pics to the same account?
(2 years ago)
Yes emulater
(2 years ago)
some people do have pics of multiple partners, just sayin
(2 years ago)
Danthaman827 likes this
the "Verify another identity" should say *Verify another uploader*
(2 years ago)
NN...when the "Verify another identity" is used does that enable another about me and stats for couples?...can that be done?
(2 years ago)
Fri, 20-Jan-23 7:17 PM (2 years ago)
Sunak has been fined for not wearing a seatbelt while filming for social media. A nudle for the first person to correctly predict when he will resign LOL
EmuLater, MellieK and Mr_Vein like this
There are two members with sunak in the name.
(2 years ago)
I don't think this one's going to be as easy to get out as Liz Useless
(2 years ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
Not sure about that, MrsT, but there are plenty of Jeremy Hunts on the front page alone...
(2 years ago)
MrsTrellis and MellieK like this
^^^^ LOL
(2 years ago)
I'm wearing a seatbelt in one pic! 😜 As for when he'll resign, never. He will refuse to quit, no matter what happens. He is utterly shameless.
(2 years ago)
Thu, 12-Jan-23 8:43 AM (2 years ago)
Word of the day ..... Whatafuckinghypocrite
Yeah there the worst in my book too, as I was just saying to my butler whilst floating in my Olympic sized pool filled with the tears of baby bunnies, liars.....can't stand them
(2 years ago)
Saturnfinger1 likes this
if i was gonna have a tombstone, id have it say: Her last words -Whats the worst that can happen?
(2 years ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
I'd have to go with Spike Milligan..." I told you I was ill" : )
(2 years ago)
Billy connoly, In tiny letters so you have to stand on the grave to read it "Your standing on my bollocks"
(2 years ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
Tombstone suggestion: Hold my beer. 🤣🤣
(2 years ago)
smitten4u and MrsTrellis like this
Wed, 4-Jan-23 3:07 PM (2 years ago)
Word of the day ..... Schadenfreude
Fremdschämen is great as well. Kummerspeck really needs to become a thing lol
(2 years ago)
Is it Wok ?
(2 years ago)
(2 years ago)
I prefer "Dreikäsehoch" : )
(2 years ago)
captain__82 likes this
Kuddelmuddel und Dingsbums, also fantastic words
(2 years ago)
Sat, 24-Dec-22 8:13 AM (2 years ago)
Merry Christmas Mrs T hope you have a wonderful Christmas smile
(2 years ago)
laugh MerryXmas MrsT! :*
(2 years ago)
(2 years ago)
Silly Mouse carry on this noise and you'll be the 3rd present from my puddy. glare
(2 years ago)
Wed, 21-Dec-22 1:36 PM (2 years ago)
Virtually honking my horn in support of our NHS super heroes! No euphemisms here tongue
I’ll split it with you, TC
(2 years ago)
TopCat57 and MrsTrellis like this
(2 years ago)
owbiglineman likes this
You think sharks are dangerous.....snarks can be lethal: D
(2 years ago)
owbiglineman and MrsTrellis like this
Whaddya want me to say, that you got your finger stuck to the y on your keyboard?
(2 years ago)
MrsTrellis regularly honks my horn mateys
(2 years ago)
MrsTrellis and TopCat57 like this
Thu, 1-Dec-22 4:28 PM (2 years ago)
It's that time again! A whole nudle for the first person to correctly predict when the next one will turn up tongue
Who won the Nudle?
(2 years ago)
No-one, so we're starting again. grin
(2 years ago)
Two weeks from now, about three weeks when we spot them. So 8th of February
(2 years ago)
Around the 10th of Jan methinks: P
(2 years ago)
Next Saturday
(2 years ago)
Thu, 24-Nov-22 9:56 PM (2 years ago)
I was born female, I identity as female, but according to this sticky toffee pudding, I'm a family of four grin
Sticky Toffee Pudding...Sponge I hope...Rather yummy smile
(2 years ago)
Yes Adele! With custard 🥰
(2 years ago)
I'm stuffed from Thanksgiving dinner and 4 types of dessert, but if there were sticky toffee puddng available, I'd find room. wink
(2 years ago)
You most definitely are, Adele, although it's hard to find on this side of the pond.
(2 years ago)
I've had pasta bakes that suggest I'm more than I am.
(2 years ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
Fri, 18-Nov-22 12:01 PM (2 years ago)
I've seen a couple of spit your coffee out nicknames, today's favourite is Space Karen 😂
I'm saving the best one as a future quiz question tongue
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
i lol'ed at that one too laugh
(2 years ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
I was shocked to learn that NN will assign a name if the person doesn’t choose one. Might explain some of them.
(2 years ago)
Sat, 12-Nov-22 12:08 PM (2 years ago)
So ummmm anyone placing a bet on when Raab goes? You know the routine. A sparkly nudle for the first person with the correct answer.
Dyme_Rides_Again likes this
I finally found out your first name...Snarkatha : D
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis and Laphroaigh like this
He's not bad liking, but has the personality of a turnip or broccoli....
(1 year ago)
Onionheart likes this
*looking FFS tongue
(1 year ago)
TopCat57 likes this
He’s always looking for his Marydoll. We’re talking C Nesbitt aren’t we?
(1 year ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
is it a good or a bad news? O.o hi MrsT! smile
(1 year ago)
Tue, 8-Nov-22 6:07 PM (2 years ago)
Sir Gavin Williamson, Minister Without Portfolio, facing charges of bullying. How long before he loses his non-existent portfolio? A whole shiny nudle for the first person to get the right day. grin
Remedy88 and Relaxer like this
Today, do I win?
(2 years ago)
Mr_Elmo likes this
Is it me or do these Tory bastard always look bloody smug when fired?
(2 years ago)
Who wouldn't, with the severance pay the scumbags get.
(2 years ago)
Baron_EnBleak and NaughtyKat like this
Emu, you were approx 8 minutes too late (and disqualified for cheating) tongue
(2 years ago)
EmuLater and MissAshlee like this
That was sooner than I thought, perhaps he didn't like being the scapegoat
(2 years ago)
Fri, 28-Oct-22 8:27 PM (2 years ago)
"lets see that big n hairy gash" is supposed to be a compliment? Not sure if the sentiment or grammatical error offends me most LOL
smitten4u and cath68 like this
Both are offensive, or being charitable, clumsy and I'll advised
(2 years ago)
MrsTrellis likes this
and they say betty crocker is a sweet talker...ugh
(2 years ago)
happyhumper69 and MrsTrellis like this
When you see what some people write here, it's no wonder they're single, bored and horny.
(2 years ago)
and angry LOL
(2 years ago)
Well I'm hard...
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee and MrsTrellis like this
Thu, 27-Oct-22 11:28 AM (2 years ago)
Nudle giveaway time again, yes one whole shiny nudle! First to guess when Cruella Braverman goes wins tongue
Need more than a week Mitch,I have some you can have plum
(2 years ago)
December 1st
(2 years ago)
Place your bets here LOL
(2 years ago)
292 days from now.
(2 years ago)
Well, she's still here. Good old Gavin taking the heat off her for a while. Time for a new status ....
(2 years ago)
Jersey__Girl likes this
Tue, 25-Oct-22 8:18 PM (2 years ago)
Watching My Massive Cock on C4. Basically a load of massive cocks with massive cocks....
Knowing that I have the best cock of them all, It's fine to me that the rest can compete between themselves jerk
(2 years ago)
It’s a beauty, Ravers. It should have a TV show all of its own
(2 years ago)
Who Mine ? ? ? jerk LOL
(2 years ago)
The News At Ten presented by Ravens cock...
(2 years ago)
That could be a Right Cock Up...jerk LOL
(2 years ago)
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