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Viewing Member - d_ashley

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 1:11:41 AM- /me lowers his head in shame...
for he has totally forgotten Mothersday...
I'm so sorry ladies. sad(
soo I hope that it was a good one, with all the best that ya'll deserve. smile)

tfvmb. David. smile
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Monday, May 12, 2008, 1:48:05 AM- other things about Baby...
since I had reposted the blog about Baby then I guess I will finish the story about her then.
Baby was quite adaptive in learning how to do stuff all on her own and quite unique to see, as I have been around cats all my life and some you teach and some just dont ever seem to get it but to say that Baby was adaptive in learning then I can say that she had figured out that the only way to get my attention as when she was outside was to climb up on the ledge outside the kitchen window and use her claws to scratch the window making a noise like freddy krouger in the movie "a nightmare on elm st."
heh, I could even hear that while at the computer with the headphones on. smile)
then she figured out how to open the bedroom door as it swings out and normally it wont stay open on its own just enough so as not to latch. now this was the coolest act that I loved to see as when she did this move. for it resembles a karate kick I guess and so with every morning when she has gotten me out of the bed we would head over to the door and without even waiting for me to push the door open she would without breaking stride use her front leg and "sidekick" the door open. as for me that was a cool trick as I would be right there with her and to look down and watch her leg fly off to the side without breaking stride like I had said was facinating to watch. indeed. the only way I can describe it in relation to what we would do is that while we approach a door and with out even slowing down just quickly reach out and hit the door so that it will swing open as we continue walking through it. now try this manouver sideways and on all fours. smile) so now I hope that explains that one better now. wink
and so like I said she never quit learning to adapt. such as this winter I kept her locked indoors and she didnt mind but since she was being cooped up all day long she became more and more excited and happy to see me when I got home from work and so since I turn off the heat while Im away I developed a routine of quickly changing cloths in the bathroom right when I get home and so Baby couldnt wait for me to change any longer so she learned to jump up on the bathroom counter and stand on her hind legs so that she could hug me since I am at the counter anyways as I walk into the bathroom[the room is small mind you] then she learned to climb up and sit on my shoulder rubbing her head against my neck and head. now this you must know, and that she was about 7 years old during this winter and had never been up on my shoulders while I was standing up and moving around for cats dont like this at all and to get one to do this would be to train them at a early age. but Baby wasnt the one to settle into the usual stuff that most cats do anyways. wink smile)
and so Baby had become very proficiant in hunting and to my amazement it wasnt the big easy stuff like mice or rabbits but she would hunt moles the littlest of critters that dwell under the ground. wish I could have been able to follow her into the night to see and understand how she is able to find the moles.
now this last one will killya for not but just a couple of months ago she figured out how to open the kitchen drawer, clean it out, mostly small stuff, and then crawl through it so that she could get outside for there is a hole under the counter through the floor that she uses by pulling open the cabinet door to go through the hole. but it was winter and I had latched the cabinet doors shut. so she just simply pulled open the drawer clean it out and so that was that. problem solved.
and so like I said I shall miss her dearly...with all that she kept me in amazement with and more. wink smile)
sorry for all the typos but no time to reread its bedtime now. alone again tonight sad ohh did I mention that she would crawl under the covers to stay warm with me?? smile)
thankyou for the comments on my last blog.

"This Blog has been viewed: 12800 times."
tfvmb. heart3 David. smile

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"bell damn typos"
- big-nickel-guy

Saturday, May 10, 2008, 5:22:01 AM- May-9-2008/Gone to Heaven...
This baby of mine. she gave me six long years of fond companionship here at home.
I shall miss her dearly...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 9:42:30 PM- the dominate one...the story.
beautiful cat aint she?
I got her from th-pound about three years ago, and you wouldnt know her now as when I had first brought her home, as she was very insecure and when I first brought her home she stayed in the cabinets in the kichen for about three weeks only to come out and have me take her to the bowl to eat, and yes I had to stand there with her until she felt comfortable enough to eat alone, thus returning to the cabinets, and so with the time to go to the potty as well, and so after about three weeks as I said she then came out of the cabinets to learn to relax around the house. and it was only then that I was able to be "allowed" to hold her, and so I had found that she would not sit in my lap for nore than say a few minutes and then she would feel nervous and leave, so I was trying to work her way into getting used to me holding her so I just on a hunch as with like a real baby I picked her up and hugged or held her to my chest and shoulder, and she was then able to see that all was alright and so would hug back so to speak...and so ever since then this is the only place that she will sit on me hugging and rubbing her head against my neck.
and so now after a while she had learned to go eat and whatever on her own as I was there and awake, but still if I had gone to work and returned she will get me to follow her to the bowl to eat and thus I would have to stand there until she got comfortable to eat alone...now notice that I had said there and awake. for after I had gone to bed and slept and when I had gotten up in the morning she would be there waiting for me to once again follow her to the bowl. well sort of became the routine until she had decided that me getting out of the bed wasnt quite fast enough for her, so she had devised of a plan to help wake me up as when the alarm goes off since it doesnt take a genious to figure out that that is what the alarm was for. and so she at first would meeow and meeow until I got up thus following her to the bowl to eat. well after awhile she had realized that this wasnt good enough for I had gotten used to this and so I would hit the snooze for an extra 10 minutes and then I would get up. well like I said this wasnt good enough so she then started to get physical in trying to get me up when the alarm goes off on the first round, and so she came up with the idea to rub against my head and lick me on the neck and once again she had triumped into getting me out of the bed, but like the other attempts this soon did not work as well, and I would just hit the snooze and slumber for a few more. and so once again she dreamed up a new one and that was to rub and lick and bump my head thus becoming the victor again. well this still works but sometimes it doesnt and so has now learned the ultimate weapon in getting me out of the bed, and she will only use this as the last resort if all else fails and that is that she has figured out that if she would tickle me under my nose with just her whiskers then that will get my attention pretty quick and I kid ya'll not, this cat has figured out the use of tickling me. in getting me out of the bed. hmmm. so now she is the dominate one. wink
and also she greets me like a puppy as she would run up to the car when I come home from work and jump in the car and climb up on my chest and shoulders to give me a hug. and sometimes as when I pass the trailer and instead drive up the long drive to the landladys house across the street, then she will come half way up the drive and wait for me until I drive back down the drive in coming home. and so when I see her Ill stop in the drive turn off the car open the door and she would jump in for the rest of the drive home, hugging all the way.
and sooo, I thought Id share about my Baby with ya.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 8:44:19 PM- the dominate one!!
this is Baby
say hello Baby.

"so on the night our Lord Jesus Christ was born, all the animals of the world could speak". amen.

see more pics here>>>

tfvmb.heart3 David.
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"so sorry to hear this .... but you do have the memories...."
- hapyjacq

Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 3:21:15 AM- 49 is mine!!! :))
I had to work today and so I will tomorrow and so since Ive been up since 4am grrrr and after the thunderstorms rolled through sometime about midnight or so I guess that I have had about three hours of sleep. so I'm eyeing the clock to get ready to hit the hay here as soon as possible I hope. and so I apologise for the typos galore but I must refrain from rereading so as to get this blog done and into bed.
Im trying to think of the earliest b'day that I can remember and so I guess that I can say that it would probably be b'day number five then...as all I can remember is all the neighborhood kids sitting around the table at our house with all of us eating cake and icecream. and that is it. no remeberance of opening presents,playing with the gifts[toys was the norm] nor any of the rest of the day, just eating cake and icecream and that is all.
so I move forward to my next b'day memory and I guess that it would be b'day number thirteen and all that I can remember is the moment I saw my first motorcycle and it was a small honda90 and since we lived in the country I had the freedom to ride as I may to go and see and have fun with all my friends around the area and we would all ride together since we all had our own cycles to ride and have fun with.
so I move forward to my next b'day memory amd I guess that it would be b'day number sixteen as thats the day that I go and get my very own drivers licence. no rememberance of eating cake and icecream nor any of the rest of the day just getting the drivers license on that day is all. then I had the freedom to go and see my friends around the area and drive my self to and from school.
so I move on forward to my next b'day memory and I guess that it would be b'day number eighteen and so all I can remember is all the family and I sitting at the table at "Red Lobster" [a seafood restr.] eating cake and icecream after all the waitresses and waiters came and sang happy b'day back then that was the family tradition to all go out and eat to celebrate the b'day and back then it was popular for all the waitresses and waiters to present cake and icecream with a b'day song.
so I move forward to my next b'day memory and I guess that it would be b'day number 48 just sitting on the front porch lighting the tiki lamps relaxing while I listen to the tunes. as for that is the most recent and is still fresh in my mind. though I cannot remember a single birthday in all those years that come in between. so I have now come to realise that from the day I turned 18 and had become an adult until last year at 48 my mind draws a blank.
so I see that b'days can be best remembered if they can be associated with monumous occasions such as licenses, adulthood and ect... sortof like b'day milestones that we mark our lives with as we journey through it. soo why do I not have any memory from eighteen until now? is because through all the rest of my years since eighteen there has not been a single milestone that I have to remember. no monumous occasion to keep that day within my memory. such a sad sad thing to realise while I sit here and write this. for it says to me and I say to all of you young ppl who might read this is that to never allow your milestones of life to become lost in a blurr and make each and every one of those b'days a monumous occasion with all the wonderful thoughts of what you have achieved and also what might you have acomplished for I have none to remember for myself. but you know I have a memory of a day as far back as when I was about six months old I couldnt stand I couldnt crawl yet I could sit up and that was it so Im guessing at six months. so with that day that I know existed at such an early age with all that I saw and all that I felt and as detailed as with all my thoughts were then there is but one b'day that I wish that I could remember from all the 49 others and that is...my first on april 28 1959. and that b'day would be such an incredible memory to remember. indeed.
sorry if I rambled, or made no sense, but it felt good to share and also to return next year and reflect upon.
say goodnight dave....goodnight old guy...hey who asked you pal?? cmere I got a cake fer yoooouuuu with a bomb inside. tee,he,he.
tfvmb. heart3 David. smile
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"Happy Birthday "d"....serving you some hugs and kisses!!!"
- 1stClassAngel

Sunday, April 27, 2008, 9:45:40 PM- my heart, my soul.
today is Sunday our day of worship. and tomorrow my b'day and so as I got out of bed I realized that I must do this. I need this. while I turn to the bible and seek solace. I"m not going into any detail of whats in my head nor have I any references except just a thankyou for understanding and taking the time to read these verses[with me]from the bible.
yours, David.
Psalm 42:5
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Saviour

Matthew 6:25-34
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat?" or "What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Psalm 34
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all.



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"“When I stand before thee at the day's end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing.”
Rabindranath Tagore"
- Benjie Thai

Saturday, April 26, 2008, 12:39:46 AM- and only if I could...pt4
take such incredible and facinating pics as these that I happened to have found on this photo share website the other week.
UPDATE: I had failed to see that some of these pics are being offered in a larger size. so if you see a pic that you'd like to see in its larger size then look at the url of the pic in the properties info[right click on the pic] and see if the url has a -md[medium]at the end of it and if it does then you can copy/paste the url onto your browser addy and just replace the -md with a -lg[large] to get the big picture. smile
[ex:http://gallery.photo.net/photo/123456-md.jpg<<simply replace the md with lg] wink
now,I have[pt3 and pt4]and from now on will include the url to some of these that I feel would be best viewed in the larger size. wink smile
soo enjoy. smile)

[url]http://gallery.photo.net/photo/6174705-lg.jpg[/url]<<<larger size

tfvmb. heart3 David. smile
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"mine too"
- shesez

Saturday, April 26, 2008, 12:37:36 AM- and only if I could...pt3
take such incredible and facinating pics as these that I happened to have found on this photo share website the other week.
UPDATE: I had failed to see that some of these pics are being offered in a larger size. so if you see a pic that you'd like to see in its larger size then look at the url of the pic in the properties info[right click on the pic] and see if the url has a -md[medium]at the end of it and if it does then you can copy/paste the url onto your browser addy and just replace the -md with a -lg[large] to get the big picture
[ex:http://gallery.photo.net/photo/123456-md.jpg<<simply replace the md with lg] wink
now,I have[pt3 and pt4]and from now on will include the url to some of these that I feel would be best viewed in the larger size. wink smile
soo enjoy. smile)

btw...I'm not to keen with the name that was given to this photo.[??]

[url]http://gallery.photo.net/photo/6751386-lg.jpg[/url]<<<larger size

lol smile)

titled>Liparus vs. Pissodes

[url]http://gallery.photo.net/photo/5995049-lg.jpg[/url]<<<awesome!larger size smile

"Lesser of too weevils"
"This EXTREMELY bad pun (some of you may find appropriate in the circumstances) is of course a "Master and Commander" reference (I can really sympathize with the Doctor character, by the way - I would get totally pissed if I had to suddenly leave some biodiversity paradise I just started to explore). Liparus is one of the largest European weevils, while Pissodes falls in the "leser weevils" (d'oh!) category... No weevils were hurt during this session! View large. I mean LARGE."

heres an >excerpt< from the comments section about this photo that I found facinating to read. so enjoy the thought. wink btw..I edited some typos.
"Lol C, March 07, 2008; 07:35 A.M.

Ken, lovely macro shot and excellent photoshop work to achieve the perfect symmetry. One thing that struck me straight away was the fact that the left side of the bug is identical to the right. I would maybe have cloned out a few hairs on one set of legs and altered a few wing markings just so it doesn't look like a mirror image combined. I have noticed a few blemishes on one side of the photo paper which are replicated on the other side. I'm probably nitpicking, but, IMHO these things need to be addressed in order to create a more believable image. Still a fantastic picture with nice detail, and a shot I would be proud of, but is probably beyond my capabilities. Very well done! Regards.

Ken Boxsell, March 08, 2008; 08:30 P.M.

Thanks Lol C. Its refreshing to read an honest and carefully worded critique. I have carefully considered your opinion and come to a conclusion by referring back to the original image. To my surprise the right side markings such as hairs and wing veins were actually very close to identical. However the right wing was a few millimetres lower than the left and the right feet were about 2 millimetres forward and lower of their current position. It is for those reasons only that I cloned the image. The reason that I have submitted the shot this way is because I wanted to express the fly as a piece of art rather than a documentary but most importantly I wanted the viewer's eye to be isolated from distraction, which I feel emphasizes the garden xxxxx and not the garden. I thankyou for taking the time to study my image in such great detail and may I offer you a suggestion as to why I would want to intentionally create symmetry. In a matter of less than .05 of a second, humans instinctively scan a visual object for symmetrical qualities.

Perception, symmetry of art discussed at brain lecture March 22, 2002

By Elizabeth Roth Not only does the mind create art, it also perceives it, began Randy Blakely, Ph.D., Allan D. Bass Chair in Pharmacology, and director, Center for Molecular Neuroscience, in his introduction of Dr. Christopher Tyler. Tyler, of the Smith Kettlewell Eye Institute, delivered the second lecture in the 2002 Brain Awareness program recently at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts.

Tyler discussed how the brain perceives symmetry and how artists, consciously or unconsciously, create their art based on an understanding of symmetrical principles.

Symmetry is a key visual property for humans. Its importance is expressed in its ubiquitous use as a design principle in everything humans construct, from architecture to the pattern in Oriental rugs.

Defined as balanced form, a beauty of form arising from balanced proportions, it is no surprise, then, that elements of symmetry are apparent in works of art. But, it is only partial symmetry that we see. In many of the Renaissance works Tyler presented, architectural elements of a painting were symmetrical while figures in the foreground were arrayed. Similar examples from other eras and artistic styles were presented as well.

Perhaps, it was theorized, that artists were unconsciously using symmetry to represent order, harmony, or serenity while the asymmetrical elements depicted that life and art are not perfect and therefore, cannot be perfectly symmetrical.

Through functional magnetic resonance imaging, it is clear that the brain reacts to symmetry in the occipital lobe, the primary part of the brain that reacts to visual stimuli. Tyler's research indicates that human symmetry processing is hard-wired. In a matter of less than .05 of a second, humans instinctively scan a visual object for symmetrical qualities.

Questions were raised during the lecture about an evolutionary bias toward symmetry, possibly due to the fact that symmetrical bodies, biologically speaking, seem to be the best designed for procreation. Studies have shown that those human faces that are widely considered to be the most attractive are also quite symmetrical. Is this equivocation of symmetry to beauty, as was asked during the lecture, why humans very often tilt their head to one side as they speak directly to someone, or they stand with one foot forward, at an angle, perhaps in an attempt to mask any asymmetry? Could this explain the subconscious attention to symmetry in so many works of art??
Symmetrical elements are often found in artistic works, and specifically paintings throughout many eras. Tyler noted that one of the clues to the importance of symmetry is evident in the placement of eyes in painted portraits.

According to Tyler, a survey of portraits over the last two millennia revealed that throughout history, one eye tended to be placed symmetrically at or near the vertical axis of the canvas. This placement violates the inherent symmetry of the face and body, but expresses a deeper symmetry and concentration on the "window of the soul." Perhaps the artists felt it was more accurate to represent their subjects in their realistic imperfection.

Interestingly, Tyler found this theme to be present in diverse works from various cultures. Despite Tyler's extensive research, he indicated that he was unable to find any reference to this principle, leaving him to conclude that the artists were not purposefully centering eyes in their portraits, but rather, did so unconsciously.

indeed wink smile

tfvmb. heart3 David. smile

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 10:24:36 PM- and only if I could...pt2
take such incredible and facinating pics as these that I happened to have found on this photo share website the other week.
and so after getting up to page 22[of 300] of those that are in the best photo of the past year section I decided to share what I have gathered so far.
sooo grab sm popcorn, sit back and relax while I bring these awesome pics here. wink smile
this will be a very large blog and so I will devide the pics into two sep. blogs. smile)
and I will post more as when I have the time to revisit the website. orr you can use your putor skills and find the website from these pics. wink
btw...theres one pic of a child and so I wont post that pic here. but instead I'll offer the url only. smile
ummm these photos are posted on a photo share website and most of them are w/o copywrite but I'd say that it would be best not to try and use these pics other than personal viewing. wink
soo I hope that y'all enjoy these photos as I have. smile)


tfvmb. heart3 david. smile
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"oh wow"
- kricket187

Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 10:22:01 PM- and only if I could...pt1
take such incredible and facinating pics as these that I happened to have found on this photo share website the other week.
and so after getting up to page 22[of 300] of those that are in the best photo of the past year section I decided to share what I have gathered so far.
sooo grab sm popcorn, sit back and relax while I bring these awesome pics here. wink smile
this will be a very large blog and so I will devide the pics into two sep. blogs. smile)
and I will post more as when I have the time to revisit the website. orr you can use your putor skills and find the website from these pics. wink
btw...theres one pic of a child and so I wont post that pic here. but instead I'll offer the url only. smile
ummm these photos are posted on a photo share website and most of them are w/o copywrite but I'd say that it would be best not to try and use these pics other than personal viewing. wink
soo I hope that y'all enjoy these photos as I have. smile)


titled> mummy? smile

btw..this pic has a comment mentioning photoshop but I cannot see it. wink

tfvmb. heart3 David. smile
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"Ash these are amazing pics !! thank you xxx"
- nice bitch

Thursday, April 17, 2008, 4:14:57 AM- ChatRoom Antics!! :)
ummm..y'all remember the blog I posted about the drinkin bird along with a pic??? weeeelll guess what 'ol Dave has done?
I went and made a video. as a result of the fun we had in chat talkin about the "drunk bird" that I had in my blog. lol
soo I posted a pic in "chatroom antics" with an invite to see this blog for the link to the video. aaand its on youtube tee,he,he...look for the "NN" at the end of the video and enjoy the drinkin bird set to music made just for all the NN party peeps who loves to chat.
CHEEERS!! smile)

grrr this url wont link to the player. sad sorry peeps you'll have to copy/paste

tfvmb. heart3 David. smile
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"Love it:) Thanks for the smile."
- Benjie Thai

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