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Arsenal are the most successful team in the history of the FA Cup, having lifted the trophy an unprecedented 14 times.
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
Not surprisingly, being a spurs fan…I’m not as into football as I once was.
(13 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe and EmuLater like this
In 4888 days, shame we can't have the 5000th comment on the 5000th day lol.
(13 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
I know nothing about football, although I did do a tour of Wembley Stadium a long time ago.
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
What did he do, apart from spell Wembley wrong lol?
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
I lived there for 26 years, left there in 1988 and the place has changed so much.
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
My school was literally over the road from Chalk Hill.
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
Damian I just can’t bring myself to like a comment stating spurs are shit no matter how much I agree with it 😂
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
Eddie, you've had too long in the last post position!!
(5 days ago)
eddie_aust likes this
I'm going to bed, I can sleep easy now, goodnight
(5 days ago)
MitchandDaisy and SexyEnglishBabe like this
I'm eating Lenny's pizza
(5 days ago)
<<< changes his NN name to last person
(5 days ago)
I should have entered a comment before i oeft the UK, amd again when i arrived in USA as i would have had title for 6hrs longer lol
(5 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
A Box of Multeasers wished to SEB..Could this status be her best teaser ever
(4 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this