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Thu, 25-Aug-11 4:02 PM (13 years ago)
Last person to comment on this status rules all
I've got the year by year history from 1882 page open lol.
(13 days ago)
FA Cup winners for the sixth time in 1981.
(13 days ago)
I don’t know how it begins Emu but I know it’s been bleak since I started supporting them.
(13 days ago)
Liverpool have only won it eight times!
(13 days ago)
Arsenal are the most successful team in the history of the FA Cup, having lifted the trophy an unprecedented 14 times.
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
No Emu…don’t do that…don’t involve those who’s first four letters describe most of their fans.
(13 days ago)
EmuLater likes this
Manchester United have won the FA Cup 13 times.
(13 days ago)
FA Cup means nothing nowadays
(13 days ago)
FA - Fuck All then.
(13 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
Not surprisingly, being a spurs fan…I’m not as into football as I once was.
(13 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe and EmuLater like this
Currently at 4970 comments!
(13 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
In 4888 days, shame we can't have the 5000th comment on the 5000th day lol.
(13 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
I know nothing about football, although I did do a tour of Wembley Stadium a long time ago.
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
She wore she wore she wore a yellow ribbon, she wore a yellow ribbon in the merry month of may …..
(13 days ago)
And when I asked her why she wore that ribbon - she said it’s for the Arsenal and we’re going to wemberley !!
(13 days ago)
All you need to know ‘Mu is that Tottenham are shit.
(13 days ago)
EmuLater likes this
SEB blocks Damo from this status
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
moo moo kangaroo poo
(13 days ago)
What did he do, apart from spell Wembley wrong lol?
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
I lived there for 26 years, left there in 1988 and the place has changed so much.
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
I lived not far from Wembley, and worked there for just over 3 years doing stewarding etc. easy money and access to some great events.
(13 days ago)
EmuLater likes this
Had family on St Raphael’s estate Emu ….. and on Chalk Hill estate
(13 days ago)
Flinder st ? is actually FlinderS st, in Melbun de shithole grin
(13 days ago)
I've been to the arena for a few concerts, a magic show, Skating on Ice.
(13 days ago)
My school was literally over the road from Chalk Hill.
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
I used to go 10 pin bowling, that then became squash courts.
(13 days ago)
Damian I just can’t bring myself to like a comment stating spurs are shit no matter how much I agree with it 😂
(13 days ago)
Justmedamian likes this
yum yum cheekin bum
(13 days ago)
Breakfast was good.
(13 days ago)
When Rule,, I will command a team of lovely Females to take care of Floppy Dick Mondays...jerk
(13 days ago)
There's a problem, Raven. One of the requirements to Rule is that one must be ID verified, it is written in the Ancient Text.
(13 days ago)
nosanity likes this
No Problem. SEB can verify me. She's known me here for years, the poor soul....happydance
(13 days ago)
Nope. SEB's been promised Toblerones to stay out of it.
(13 days ago)
eek...Wonders about Daffodils...ohmy
(13 days ago)
- - Hope its me SEB - -
(13 days ago)
"Every-body wants to rule the world..." Except me. I just wanna see what happens if I win.
(13 days ago)
I've got this Under My Thumb...thumbup1
(12 days ago)
Raven I thought all you had was the bruises from when SEB caught you trying to steal the Toblerone!!!!!!!!!
(12 days ago)
Na..I pinched it just to help create a Toblerone shaped Easter Egg....This will not be easy....eek
(12 days ago)
42. It’s the secret to life and everything.
(12 days ago)
We are at 5,000 comments!
(12 days ago)
Plus one!
(12 days ago)
How d’ya know that Emu ? Have you sat and counted them all ?
(12 days ago)
I found a page where it gave me the comment count when we were at 4,831 comments. But I can't find that page again, so I've counted them since 4,831.
(12 days ago)
Last person to comment on this status rules all 13 years ago · 5004 comments (show all)
(12 days ago)
I did that but it doesn't always work.
(12 days ago)
It didn't show last week, but i liked that i was 5005 comment smilesmile
(12 days ago)
I can't even find this status on the mobile site.
(12 days ago)
I only found it in my notifications, when i went through status I couldn't see it either... that now that will be a few more numbers for SEB when she logs in lol
(12 days ago)
When I do that it only gives me 4,500 comments because it misses out the one from people I've blocked lol. I had to get the full number while logged out.
(12 days ago)
johnnyel likes this
Yay! I've got it now, 5,011 including this one.
(12 days ago)
Pooper Scooper grin
(12 days ago)
(12 days ago)
That's a lot of words that don't say shit.
(12 days ago)
GottaBeMe likes this
Raven will analyse this when I take Command...thumbup1
(12 days ago)
Last time I commented on this status, I was the last one.
(12 days ago)
Not this time.
(12 days ago)
Phineas_J_Whoopee likes this
It could be.
(12 days ago)
(12 days ago)
(12 days ago)
(12 days ago)
Let's not argue.
(12 days ago)
It's not a parrot, it's a hamster!
(12 days ago)
Let's have some peace please. We all know who will rule...angel
(11 days ago)
Could it be an ex parrot?
(11 days ago)
Well Raven is not a ex-patrot,I think....The Last One standing Rules....thumbup1
(11 days ago)
(11 days ago)
No, it was a carrot and the hamster ate it.
(10 days ago)
No comment.
(10 days ago)
can't hurt to throw my hat into the ring
(10 days ago)
^ lightsaber surely …
(10 days ago)
…. And don’t call me Shirley
(10 days ago)
Still working on the conception of a Toblerone shaped Easter Egg...eek
(10 days ago)
I pity the chicken that lays a triangular egg!
(8 days ago)
Raven2005 likes this
I wouldn't want to be tasked with triangulating the position of said egg!
(8 days ago)
nosanity likes this
Perhaps a rather odd shaped Chicken could perform the task....blink
(8 days ago)
not it!
(8 days ago)
Eddie, you've had too long in the last post position!!
(5 days ago)
eddie_aust likes this
I'll take over now thanks 😊
(5 days ago)
EmuLater and nosanity like this
Thank goodness you're here!
(5 days ago)
Thank you!!
(5 days ago)
lennynatural likes this
Stand down everyone, we're all safe now that normality has been restored!
(5 days ago)
(5 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
I'm going to bed, I can sleep easy now, goodnight smile
(5 days ago)
(5 days ago)
lennynatural likes this
I'm making pizza.
(5 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
I'm eating Lenny's pizza
(5 days ago)
I hope you enjoy it, SexyEBabe grin
(5 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
<<< changes his NN name to last person
(5 days ago)
I should have entered a comment before i oeft the UK, amd again when i arrived in USA as i would have had title for 6hrs longer lol
(5 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
A Box of Multeasers wished to SEB..Could this status be her best teaser ever blink
(4 days ago)
SexyEnglishBabe likes this
Maltesers or Toblerone or maltesers or toblerone.........a dilemma.....I don't know which way to go...........
(4 days ago)
^^^^ Who said you have to choose?
(4 days ago)
MrsTrellis and nosanity like this
I only eat plain chocolate now.
(3 days ago)
What status ?
(3 days ago)
persistence is key
(3 days ago)
Raven has the matter in hand....smile
(3 days ago)
Rule all sounds like a lot of work, think I'll opt out.
(3 days ago)
...but if you rule all, then you can delegate the hard work...
(3 days ago)
You could mandate nakedness.
(3 days ago)