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Sat, 11-Jan-25 9:21 AM (14 days ago)
I love putting on warm underwear fresh out of the dryer. Plus it’s fun to look around the laundromat and guess who they belong to.
I'm thinking that's a bit weird emu unless it's a party challenge ....that could be a go game
(14 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus and EmuLater like this
I started counting the coins in the ashtray of my ute and can chip in around $ 8.60
(14 days ago)
EmuLater and Pete_from_Aus like this
Hehe there goes my idea of having a NN PARTY at the laundry mat
(14 days ago)
EmuLater and Pete_from_Aus like this
I'll be giving your names as accessories lol.
(14 days ago)
mojo75nz and Pete_from_Aus like this
Thos having a party without me, so you can all join me in my cell. It comes with a lovely bar or two.
(14 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this
Lol depends on which dryer I open emu I could be in camo
(14 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus likes this