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Wed, 8-Jan-25 9:22 AM (17 days ago)
Spin my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska!
Smeeeeeg heeeeeeead....
(17 days ago)
Smoke me a kipper , I’ll be back for breakfast.
(17 days ago)
Step up to Red Alert! Sir, are you absolutely sure, it does mean changing the bulb
(17 days ago)
It's a small.off duty, Czeckslovakian traffic warden!
(17 days ago)
borolad11 and Mr_Vein like this
My favourite episode!
(16 days ago)
Agent_K likes this
Wonder if Kochanski is on NN.......
(16 days ago)
Which one? 😜
(16 days ago)
nosanity likes this
I've seen some penises that look a bit like Kryten
(16 days ago)
Mr_Vein, nosanity and borolad11 like this
i am a fish fp
(16 days ago)
Mr_Vein likes this
We'll always have Parrot's...
(16 days ago)
borolad11 likes this
So glad in a way the guy who originally played Kryten wasn’t available later. Robert Llewellyn nails it!
(15 days ago)
Mr_Vein and Agent_K like this
(14 days ago)
David Ross (original Kryten) was given a guest role as Talkie Toaster
(14 days ago)
Agent_K and borolad11 like this
Taking a double poloroid ain’t normal (unless your a member of NN)
(14 days ago)
Mr_Vein, paul01224 and nosanity like this
No escaping the boys from the Dwarf - they're everywhere!
(14 days ago)
captain__82 and McPhallus like this
Removes vacuum groinal attachment
(14 days ago)
🎶 I didn’t come here looking for trouble, I just came to do the Red Dwarf shuffle…He’s smart 🎶
(14 days ago)
Mr_Vein likes this