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i remembered the question but not the answer till i saw it
(2 years ago)
Jagged_Edges likes this
Crap maybe I should come up with another question 😂
(2 years ago)
smitten4u and MissAshlee like this
I just remembered having a hell of a time typing it out till you said something!
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee and lip2lip like this
i have a premade copy and paste when i host
(2 years ago)
smitten4u and Laphroaigh like this
Jag got it didn’t he with study of clouds
(2 years ago)
I find the Qs on my phone and play on my lappy. I type for better or worsse
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
absolutely paul! it's mandatory. there's a thousandsthousandhundred fee for that XD
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
One more. Make it difficult and I will donate 15 nudles for the correct answer
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
Thanks for hosting, Pul. It was as fun and as confusing as usual!
(2 years ago)
lip2lip and MissAshlee like this
lucky for us there was no NN in 1254 or he would prolly be at home doin trivia
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee and smitten4u like this
No clue, my status is screwed sideways at the moment
(2 years ago)
Jagged_Edges and lip2lip like this
unscrew your status and let me know who it was and how many nudles I promised. I have to get up for a few
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
btw I can host next week if there are no other offers
(2 years ago)
Sounds good, Jag
(2 years ago)
Paul thank you for hosting. Everyone else, thanks for the laughs and smiles. Trivia is like really good food for the soul!
(2 years ago)
is it official am I hosting next week? I gtg pm me please
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee and Laphroaigh like this
*runs and jumps on the bed! love you all awesome people!
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee and shy28boy like this
This time works for the majority of people. If you want to host at a more convenient time for you feel free!
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
Thanks, MissA. Unfortunately, I'll be in England next week and it'll be midnight there. No, please let's not repeat the time zone discussion again. LOL
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
Thank you. I'll put it on my calendar for the week of the 23rd, assuming I can stay awake that late cause I'll be fighting jet lag. LOL
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee and shy28boy like this
Totally worth it. LOL Jet lag is must worse coming back than going, though.
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
One more question: Are you going to mail me my buzzer?
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee likes this
So the final result after the re-question, lip 3, juicy 2, clitty 1 1/2, laph, jagged, ash, lenny 1. So lip 1st, juicy 2nd, clitty 3rd
(2 years ago)
MissAshlee and smitten4u like this
i have a dispute, but i wont argue lol gg all!
(2 years ago)
heydidyagrabmyass likes this