RenePogel_2point0's Recent Statuses
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Fri, 24-Jan-25 6:47 AM (2 days ago)
I can’t wait to not miss anybody, not miss commuting with the moron drivers in this city, or the crime riddled downtown I never want to see again. Maybe someday.
(1 day ago)
almostanything and RenePogel_2point0 like this
I can’t wait to not work. I’ll miss my friends, but I’ll see them outside of work. I have years to go for that, though
(1 day ago)
McPhallus and RenePogel_2point0 like this
I've been working from home since 2019, nobody in Aberdeen to report to, my colleagues are in Houston, Bangalore, Stavanger, Singapore & Teams gives me more than enough contact with them, it works wel
(1 day ago)
in march I will have been retired 4 years....nevrr even for a second, have I thought wish I was at
(1 day ago)
i do what i no
(1 day ago)
Wed, 22-Jan-25 12:30 AM (4 days ago)
Even as an old guy, I still feel young at heart. Other places, less so.
I’m a bisexual teen trapped in a grandpa body. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???? 😂😂😂 Harder to maintain any kind of fitness as I get older.
(3 days ago)
RenePogel_2point0 likes this
I often get ideas in my head that were good when I was 25, but my body can't keep up with now!
(3 days ago)
Phineas_J_Whoopee and RenePogel_2point0 like this
To paraphrase Leonard Cohen: I now ache in the places that I used to play
(3 days ago)
RenePogel_2point0 likes this
you are only as young as you feel...the judge didnt buy that argument for groping her
(3 days ago)
RenePogel_2point0 and McPhallus like this
Mon, 13-Jan-25 5:47 AM (13 days ago)
I didn't use to give a fuck. Then I tried RedBull. Now I don't give a flying fuck.
Sun, 12-Jan-25 7:20 AM (14 days ago)
I’m at that age where I sometimes think, you probably shouldn’t say that. But then I think, what the hell, just say it and let’s see what happens.
My trouble is I dont think. I just say it and then think.... maybe I shouldnt have said that
(13 days ago)
smittenforyou and McPhallus like this
Wed, 8-Jan-25 6:51 AM (18 days ago)
Ever notice how too much time available to do a task often means you put it off and put it off, until it finally becomes a rush? Or is that just me...
shaqila and smittenforyou like this
i have the feeling that NN is full of procastinaters
(17 days ago)
smittenforyou and Phineas_J_Whoopee like this
Tue, 31-Dec-24 6:35 AM (26 days ago)
Happy New Year to all the people I know here. And to all the ones I don't. Take care, be good, and if you can't be good, be careful!
Sun, 29-Dec-24 6:14 AM (28 days ago)
I just posted a status update that has an attachment (linked to the NN page URL of an uploaded image) that hasn't worked. Now I can't remember how to delete statuses. Help please..
Artistic likes this
Fri, 27-Dec-24 5:21 AM (30 days ago)
Well, that didn't take long! I rejoined as a free member; 15 days later I can't stand the restrictions, so I'm now back to Premium status (geddit? status?.. Never mind. )
Sun, 15-Dec-24 6:44 AM (42 days ago)
PSA: The letter 'g' can be pronounced soft or hard. Like most things in life, the soft approach is generally your best course. eg: Grumpy says hard. Gentle says soft. Too easy