Mr_Completely's Recent Statuses
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Tue, 31-Mar-20 4:20 AM (4 years ago)
If I post more pics.....I'd have more pics posted. Sublime huh?
lennynatural likes this
Yes, but status has been hopping I love that, it's been awhile
(4 years ago)
Heavy Chevy and flitterbee like this
Tue, 31-Mar-20 1:25 AM (4 years ago)
Soo...super new here. Any and all tips n tricks would be welcome.
they do call it a birthday suite seb and yours is rather niffty
(4 years ago)
Heavy Chevy and SexyEnglishBabe like this
PApda likes this
I'm just wondering if yhinking is some new masturbation method.
(4 years ago)
flitterbee and Mr_Completely like this