Alan4uLadies's Recent Statuses
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Tue, 16-Apr-24 3:48 AM (234 days ago)
If i said you have a beautiful body would you hold it against me?
Enchantress7 and Jersey__Girl like this
Wed, 28-Feb-24 11:00 PM (281 days ago)
I suppose i should get verified again but what's the point. I never get many views anyway...
Hi sweet Adel! And thanks for the pic comments xxx
(280 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
If you post for your own enjoyment instead of the enjoyment of others you won't be disappointed. 🙂
(280 days ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
smitten4u likes this
I always liked Stevie Wonder's HB song & shamelessly admit having sung NKOB's HB song to a special friend many moons ago. Many happy returns Alan!
(1 year ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Sun, 18-Jun-23 9:57 AM (1 year ago)
I'm considering posting new pics soon.Hoping the ladies enjoy me...
Fri, 6-Dec-19 3:53 AM (5 years ago)
It's so hard right now!!! (Trying to give up smoking that is)
I don't know really. I just think of you dont feel the need the must smoke for 3 months or more... I mean it's great she could stop each end of holidays.
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Sat, 30-Nov-19 12:56 AM (5 years ago)
I was just told that i'm an asshole because i can't/won't tribute a certain young lady on here immediately! Things take time young lady!
tribute is done of hornyness and a bit respect i hope, not to be made on demand (unless shes your mistress)
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Yes...another victim.....*friend*...damn autocorrect
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Well I'm off to sleep,so take care and chat soon
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies and ThePadrino like this
Sun, 3-Nov-19 12:21 AM (5 years ago)
So do you like my body? I'm not young but not too bad don't you think?
My comment wasn't my honest opinion,I was just joking along with everyone look good.
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Sat, 15-Jun-19 10:13 AM (5 years ago)
Neville John Holder is 73 yrs old today... Do you know who he is?
Merry xmas everybody was originally a phsycodelic song about a rocking chair. True
(5 years ago)
miss_molly likes this
I remember Vanburn Holder - he was a pretty good cricketer.
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Tue, 21-May-19 10:34 AM (5 years ago)
If you could teleport to any destination on earth right now where would you go?
Top of Mt. Everest, as long as I could teleport back after enjoying the view.
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Is this a reliable teleporter of one of those cheap russian ones that when you get someplace your dick is hanging out your nose?
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies and cath68 like this
That's a relief. I'm not sure I could deal with the surprise of actually getting where I wanted to go anyway.
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
To any NNuder that wanted a friendly visiter,,,
(5 years ago)
heydidyagrabmyass and NaughtyKat like this
Correct maraff. It's also World Laughter Day
(5 years ago)
I'll just look in the mirror, yep laughing now.
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies and NaughtyKat like this
steelrat60 likes this
Oh darling, darling, darling..Walk a while with me.. Led Zeppelin..
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies and steelrat60 like this
I've also been thinking about her specifcally and many others generally.
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Worst thing about this place. There are a few I wonder about. She is one
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
I was actually going to do a status asking if any other regular's left while I was gone. Hope Sunny is well.
(5 years ago)
PApda and Alan4uLadies like this
She just suddenly stopped posting...tI makes one wonder
(5 years ago)
MissAshlee and Alan4uLadies like this
They shall grow not old, As we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them”...
(5 years ago)
deepsea69 likes this
No I think it died with my status
(5 years ago)
deepsea69 and lezcutiewithbooty like this
Morning Deep,Alan and captain
(5 years ago)
As long as you have a shop that sells sausages & puff pastry. Really super easy to make!
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Pity you had to explain that, Alan. i laughed (again..)
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
How do you make sausage roll? ....... Push it down a hill
(5 years ago)
Alan4uLadies likes this
Fri, 5-Apr-19 10:59 AM (5 years ago)
Living in the past tonight, in a good way! Drinking home brew beer listening to Slade
miss_molly likes this
Wed, 3-Apr-19 12:01 AM (5 years ago)
Hello everyone. Have any of you heard from SunGod_dess? I'm worried
i think that would certainly make nn news- many are thinking of her.
(5 years ago)
shadowvoice likes this