Lil_Bunz's Recent Statuses
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bunz!! sorry I missed you , but I was watching the back of my eyelids while they was closed xxx
(3 years ago)
Jersey__Girl and Lil_Bunz like this
Scooch over. You’re hogging the bed and quit snoring! Sweet dreams. xo
(6 years ago)
Mon, 23-Jul-18 8:31 PM (6 years ago)
Can't be doing with this...I shall charge my tablet and ruin your evenings tomorrow instead
johnnyel likes this
She is not a blob, she’s incognito as s Bond girl, versatility that’s all it is
(6 years ago)
Sun, 13-May-18 9:36 PM (6 years ago)
I've had my NN smile fix, I'm off to bed too....g'night lovelies xx