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thekid53's Recent Statuses
Sat, 25-Jan-25 11:32 AM (21 days ago)
Can't sleep
Sat, 18-Jan-25 11:57 AM (28 days ago)
Only chore I hate doing is putting laundry away
owbiglineman likes this
That's the easy part.
(28 days ago)
No,washing is the easy part 😆
(28 days ago)
Rick12111 likes this
Washing is easy, drying is easier. Its the ironing I hate doing
(28 days ago)
(28 days ago)
Rick12111 likes this
I dont do any of it.... Is that bad.? She does the washing and we send the ironing out. smile
(28 days ago)
Sun, 5-Jan-25 3:23 AM (41 days ago)
Haven't jerked off all year.....
NicRae likes this
(41 days ago)
GottaBeMe likes this
hand your man card in at the door on your way out of the man cave LOL LOL LOL LOL
(41 days ago)
k12agy1 and GottaBeMe like this
I haven't beena jerk for the last 49 years mmmm I think 🤣🤣
(41 days ago)
Pete_from_Aus and GottaBeMe like this
Wed, 25-Dec-24 5:41 PM (52 days ago)
Happy holidays
Sun, 22-Dec-24 7:26 AM (55 days ago)
Whose ready for the holidays?
Almost,just presents to wrap,but I wish it wasn't soon,I love Christmas and don't want it to go soon...hi kid
(55 days ago)
Ready? Hilarious! Ready for it to be over! 😆
(55 days ago)
almostanything likes this
Oh .. bad,bad bimarried.....I'm not whip you today,you don't deserve it😤
(55 days ago)
bimarriedbottom likes this
Fri, 13-Dec-24 9:28 PM (64 days ago)
What's your favorite Christmas song?
It's Always Christmas Time - Al Jourgensen & Mark Thwaite
(64 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Then why do you want to know people's favorite songs?
(64 days ago)
UnclePee and lennynatural like this
Mistress for Christmas, by AC/DC.....
(64 days ago)
happyhumper69 likes this
Grandma got run over by a Reindeer
(64 days ago)
Just asking agr if u want won't post statuses anymore
(63 days ago)
Fri, 15-Nov-24 3:35 AM (92 days ago)
Chat room not working for anyone else
Tue, 12-Nov-24 9:16 PM (95 days ago)
Do you keep your ketchup in the fridge or on the table?
They say you can leave it out but place in a cupboard away from sunlight and heat source
(94 days ago)
Fbvines and righthander like this
I’m the cupboard, what maniac is just leaving it on the table for easy access?
(94 days ago)
In the cupboard even, I’m not the cupboard 😂
(94 days ago)
(94 days ago)
Supermarket shelf.
(94 days ago)
paul01224 likes this
Tue, 5-Nov-24 9:39 PM (102 days ago)
What's a slogan you always remember. Mine is the menards theme
i've always wanted to be a pepper too
(102 days ago)
EA sports... It's in the game...
(102 days ago)
" I don't want to be a pie ! " Chicken run
(102 days ago)
Head for the Hills... Brothers coffee .
(101 days ago)
To live as a carbon copy of everyone is to not live at all.
(101 days ago)
Fri, 1-Nov-24 5:04 PM (106 days ago)
When does grave robbing become archeological? Like how long do they have to wait
McPhallus likes this
(106 days ago)
smittenforyou likes this
When Mr Malter searched McDowell medical college for his wife's body. And before he discovered his wife ran off with a handsomer man to Alton.
(106 days ago)
Sat, 26-Oct-24 5:27 PM (112 days ago)
I just came into alot of money, which is odd since its usually my socks
Sat, 26-Oct-24 3:49 AM (112 days ago)
Stealing hearts and blasting farts.......
Fbvines and Chelseagal80 like this
Sat, 19-Oct-24 11:30 PM (119 days ago)
When women see me walking around with someone they must think.....that guys got money or a big dick, well jokes on them. I have neither
Sat, 12-Oct-24 9:00 PM (126 days ago)
Went to a salsa class today, guess I misunderstood cuz it was about dancing and didn't need to bring chips
Damn,thats always a disappointment 😆
(126 days ago)
(125 days ago)
Different kind of dipping.
(125 days ago)
(125 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Thu, 10-Oct-24 8:51 PM (128 days ago)
What's your favorite hot sauce?
owbiglineman likes this
I’m going to have look at that one, AGR, I like the name! 🌶️
(127 days ago)
Red Hot and Hoy Fong sriracha are my standards. Texas Pete, Tapatio, Cholula are good too. Melinda’s has good stuff, especially the pizza hot sauce 😋
(127 days ago)
El Yucateco. Great stuff.
(127 days ago)
Another one I’ll have to look into, thanks Saturn
(127 days ago)
The original Sri Racha.
(126 days ago)
Wed, 9-Oct-24 8:05 PM (129 days ago)
Is it sad I want to go to sleep at 4pm?
Mon, 7-Oct-24 8:09 PM (131 days ago)
Why add me as a friend and the nest day delete me?
I loved the movie about him!!!!
(131 days ago)
There's also a very British film about snooker called Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire...
(131 days ago)
I assumed the Green Baize Vampire would be Ray Reardon, alas no
(131 days ago)
Mr_Vein likes this
A 'friend' who never spoke? A stranger in the night?
(130 days ago)
The green baize vampire was loosely modelled on Ray Reardon!
(130 days ago)
paul01224 likes this
Sun, 29-Sep-24 7:25 PM (139 days ago)
How come everyone wants me for my money or my penis? Never my personality?
Braggart! I don’t have any money and no one wants my penis! 🤣🤣🤣
(138 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Same…but I’ve got no money and a decidedly average dick…I can’t even afford to be used for fucks sake!
(138 days ago)
2 out of 3 ain't bad.
(138 days ago)
Not everyone 😞
(138 days ago)
So no one wants me for my personality either?
(138 days ago)
Sat, 28-Sep-24 11:50 PM (140 days ago)
I'm not crazy, the voices in my head tell me I'm sane.
heydidyagrabmyass and Mr_Vein like this
My psychologist asked me if I had trouble with insanity in my family. I told him no I kinda like it.
(140 days ago)
tugking70 and McPhallus like this
A couple in the immediate family have been hospitalized. They've got papers that say they're ok now
(140 days ago)
If you think that you're going crazy, your not. If you think your aren't going crazy, then you very well might be.mi
(139 days ago)
i hate it when they have better ideas.
(139 days ago)
quietwacpl likes this
it's like why didn't i think of that... blink
(139 days ago)
Tue, 17-Sep-24 10:31 PM (151 days ago)
I am so fat, I need a GPS to find my penis
G2509 likes this
I lost exactly 128lbs and starlink still can't triangulate mine.
(151 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
You think you got problems !!! smile
(151 days ago)
then do sum'in about it, remember it took awhile to get that way. it's gonna take awhile to change
(151 days ago)
You know most of the shit I say is either a joke or movie quote right?
(150 days ago)
Justmedamian and McPhallus like this
(150 days ago)
Sun, 15-Sep-24 6:10 AM (153 days ago)
Anyone ever use a bidet?
rhinostool likes this
Yes. Works great!
(153 days ago)
Thu, 12-Sep-24 7:54 PM (156 days ago)
Have you heard the word?
casstess, tugking70 and McPhallus like this
Legs is the word, lets help spread them LOLLOLLOLLOL
(155 days ago)
I thought it was grease............
(155 days ago)
It’s Friday so Tits is the word…….
(155 days ago)
Yiu beat me to it likesTwo was going to say "Grease is the word,have you heard"
(155 days ago)
Of Jesus? Get off my porch!
(155 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Tue, 3-Sep-24 9:05 PM (165 days ago)
Finally had my tooth removed and it's now painful
Chelseagal80 likes this
it should be good pain the kind that lessens and goes away as it heals, if not see your dentist
(165 days ago)
AdeleGingerRaine likes this
Hope your pain will subside quickly and you can get the rest of it fixed up.
(164 days ago)
I had an implant two weeks ago, pain was bad for 48 hours, but the mouth heals very quickly.
(164 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Ouch. Hope it heals up soon.
(164 days ago)
captain... I had 2 implants about 2 years ago. was an 8 month process from teeth being removed to implants completed. The worst pain I had was the needles in for the anaesthetic. Expensive but worth i
(164 days ago)
Sun, 1-Sep-24 9:35 PM (167 days ago)
Don't u just love being scammed out of money
Send it and refuses to work with me and paypal isn't helping
(166 days ago)
Did u give them a bad review what did u buy
(166 days ago)
I am disputing it and we will see what happens
(166 days ago)
McPhallus likes this
Similar situation, overseas vendor, shipped it, then I'd get a sketchy text that an address was needed. I wouldn't respond. Vendor was no help. Claimed innocence. PayPal refunded. Hope that gets so
(166 days ago)
(166 days ago)
Thu, 29-Aug-24 10:41 PM (170 days ago)
Does anyone care to join me in bed
I would if I could. I like cock too.. What da ya think ?
(170 days ago)
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